Tourist information

The Bath Visitor Information Centre
Visitor information for Bath, England
The Tourist Information Centre is in the center of town in the Abbey Chambers, on a square off the sourthern flank of Bath Abbey.
Visitor information for Bath, England
The Tourist Information Centre is in the center of town in the Abbey Chambers, on a square off the sourthern flank of Bath Abbey.
Tourist information, guidebooks, maps, tips for niche groups (students, LGBT, seniors, disabled, etc.), and more
At York St., on the S side of Bath Abbey
Mon-Sat: 9:30–17:30
Sun: 10–16
The generic British word for dessert is "pudding."
In the 19th century, the "g" was sometimes pronounced as a harder "k." Sometimes, the "n" got dropped. Sometimes that was shortened by slicing off the "pud."
In other words, small, incremental changes resulted in pudding->puddink->puddik->dick.
It's not meant to be dirty; it's just a Victorian synonym for "dessert."
Pepper a cake with currants or raisins, and you get "spots" in your pudding, hence: spotted dick.