Bed & Breakfasts in Bath ★★★

A bedroom at Grosvenor B&B, Grosvenor B&B, Bath (Photo courtesy of the property)
A bedroom at Grosvenor B&B, Grosvenor B&B, Bath

Bath B&Bs range from knockabout pensions to classy modern mini-hotels to the classic Victorian-looking inn

The U.K. has raised the B&B concept—a handful of rooms run as an inn by a family in their own home—to an art form. Nothing says "British vacation" like afternoon tea at your cozy bed and breakfast.

Reid's List of Bath B&Bs

B&Bs links


How much does a B&B in Bath cost?

B&Bs are usually anywhere from 5% to 40% cheaper than hotels.

Expect to pay anywhere from about $50 to $170 for a double room at a typical B&B (perhaps up to $250 for historic properties).

Breakfast is, of course, included (though it is usually of the cold, Continental variety, not a cooked full English breakfast)

What is a Bath B&B like?

There are really two types of Bed & Breakfasts in Bath these days: the old pension-type inn—cheap, worn about the edges, and pretty hit or miss, but cheap—and the upscale private home upscale B&Bs that burgeoned in the 1990s.

Many types of lodging actually categorize (and sell) themselves as "B&Bs"—if they provide both a bed and breakfast, they figure it's fair.

In general, those that choose to use the moniker "B&B" as part of their name tend to be the smallest, generally ranging from 4 to 12 rooms. "Guesthouses" or "Inns" might have anywhere from 9 to 20 rooms. Small hotels of 18 to 30 rooms may also consider (and list) themselves Bed & Breakfasts.

A bed and breakfast essentially works something like a small hotel, one which provides breakfast and is located in the owner's home (or at least an a converted apartment in their building)—though these days the "breakfast" half is as often continental (rolls and tea) as a huge English spread

Where can I find B&Bs in Bath

The largest concentrations of Bath B&Bs are:

  • On Upper Bristol Road, just south of Victoria Park and the Royal Crescent
  • On Wells Road and Oldfield Road, just SE of the center
  • Along London Road, running NW of the city center along the River Avon

» More about B&Bs in England

General info about B&Bs in England