Giant white horses carved into the grass of chalk hillsides, some dating back to the 18C
The poster child white horse of Wiltshire dates to the 18C
The second oldest white horse in Wiltshire is just a few miles from Avebury
One of the most visible and well-defined chalk horses, from 1812
A horse cut to celebrate the coronation of Queen Victoria in 1838
The generic British word for dessert is "pudding."
In the 19th century, the "g" was sometimes pronounced as a harder "k." Sometimes, the "n" got dropped. Sometimes that was shortened by slicing off the "pud."
In other words, small, incremental changes resulted in pudding->puddink->puddik->dick.
It's not meant to be dirty; it's just a Victorian synonym for "dessert."
Pepper a cake with currants or raisins, and you get "spots" in your pudding, hence: spotted dick.