Many of those medieval castles you came to see will actually rent you a room—often for the same or less than local hotels charge. You can even stay in the Royal Family's Scottish castle (when they aren't at home).
Many of those medieval castles you came to see will actually rent you a room—often for the same or less than local hotels charge. You can even stay in the Royal Family's Scottish castle (when they aren't at home).
The ancient Thameside castle at the heart of London, where London began, ravens roam, and Yoeman Warders guard the Crown Jewels
Sections of this partly-ruined medieval castle dates to the 11C
Harrods of London installed a novelty in 1898: the world's first true escalator (to be fair, an inclined moving belt with metal bars for traction did make its debut two years earlier on Coney Island). The oddness of a moving staircase so unnerved many shoppers that employees were stationed near it with smelling salts and cognac to help revive those overcome with fear.