Serviced flats, residence hotels, Aparthotels, and other townhouse suite lodging in the U.K.
A place to call your own for the night or the week—renting a cottage, house, or villa in the U.K.
Sleep for free on vacation by watching someone's house (and, often, watering their plants and feeding their cat)
Trading spaces isn't just a show on basic cable anymore. It's a way to live life like a local on your travels absolutely for free—so long as you let the local borrow your life (and home) in return.
On August 27, 1896, Britain declared war on its protectorate Zanzibar, where a pretender to the Sultanate had just siezed power.
At 9:02am, British ships in the habor began shelling the would-be Sultan's palace.
By 9:40, the shelling had stopped, the palace was on fire, and the pretender's flag had been cut down.
At 38 minutes, the Anglo-Zanzibar War remains the shortest war on record.
Some 500 Zanzibaris were killed.
One British Petty Officer was wounded.