Plan your trip to the U.K.
All the tools, resources, tips, instructions, and advice you need to plan the perfect trip to London and the U.K.
Vacation blueprints for your trip to the U.K. so so you can get the most out of your trip, no matter where you want to go and how much time you have to see the best of Britain
Tourist information, guidebooks, maps, tips for niche groups (students, LGBT, seniors, disabled, etc.), and more
Keeping in touch while traveling—Cellphones and Skype, mail and roaming fees, and how to call to, from, and within the U.K.
From credit cards, cash, and ATMS to VAT refunds, travelers checks, and customs limits
All those boring but necessary travel details: passports, entry visas, trip insurance, health insurance, customs regulations, and all the other super-fun pre-trip preparations
- - By far the cheapest option for oversaes travel, with inexpensive ($10–$20) plans that will cover data and/or voice beween dozens of countries at no extra charge.Partner
- - Since it uses the world-standard GSM, all AT&T phones will work abroad—though you definitely should sign up for an international plan before traveling (and even then, calls and data will still be expensive).
- - iPhones, Android, and some other smartphones from Verizon will work in the U.K., though others will not (only some phones use the world-standard GSM technology—or the newer 4G-LTE—while others are still stuck with a dead-end U.S. system called CDMA). However, you definitely should sign up for an international plan before traveling (and even then, calls and data will still be expensive).
- - iPhones, Android, and some other smartphones from Sprint will work in the U.K., though others will not (only some phones use the world-standard GSM technology—or the newer 4G-LTE—while others are still stuck with a dead-end U.S. system called CDMA). However, you definitely should sign up for an international plan before traveling (and even then, calls and data will still be expensive).