
Travel info
Tourist information, guidebooks, maps, tips for niche groups (students, LGBT, seniors, disabled, etc.), and more
Tourist information, guidebooks, maps, tips for niche groups (students, LGBT, seniors, disabled, etc.), and more
Advice, resources, & tours for women, LGBT travelers, the disabled, seniors, pilgrims, families, and students
Everything you always wanted to know about travel guidebooks by a professional travel writer who spent two decades writing them
How to contact your home consulate in London if you need citizen services (like a new passport application)
Do I need to buy travel health insurance for a trip to the U.K.? What about emergency medical evacuation?
The sheet of backup information is the message in a bottle you send to yourself in case you get into trouble and lose all your important travel documents
Travel on the safe side with trip insurance: when to buy it, what it does and does not cover, and where to get it
Visitors from most developed nations will receive an automatic tourist visa upon entering the U.K.
The Royal Standard flag never flies at half-mast since the monarch is never dead. Whenever one king or queen dies, his or her successor immediately becomes the new monarch. "The king is dead, long live the king!"