Salisbury and Stonehenge: Ancient sites
Roman-era remains other ancient ruins
Salisbury and Stonehenge: Categories
Ancient Site Tours
Roman-era remains other ancient ruins
This 5,000-year-old circle of standing stones is one of the world's ancient wonders, a monument to the mysteries of antiquity and among the most famous sights in Europe
You can actually enter the stone circle before and after hours—if you book ahead
Before Salisbury there was Sarum: Iron Age fort, Roman settlement, and mighty medieval city—all abandoned in the 13C
The original White Horse, a stylized Bronze Age figure carved into an Oxfordshire hillside
Harrods of London installed a novelty in 1898: the world's first true escalator (to be fair, an inclined moving belt with metal bars for traction did make its debut two years earlier on Coney Island). The oddness of a moving staircase so unnerved many shoppers that employees were stationed near it with smelling salts and cognac to help revive those overcome with fear.